Money vs. Wealth: 5 Tenets for Creating True Prosperity


We all imagine that we are choosing to have money, but is that true? If you are trying to make more money, if you are making it but aren’t keeping it, or if you have all the money you need but your life still seems empty, you may need to seek wealth instead of money.

The choice to have money is the beginning of becoming wealthy. 

As a wealth creation coach, investor and facilitator for the global Access Consciousness® Wealth Creators program, my own life journey has taken me from the depths of poverty to the luxury of substantial affluence. I still maintain, however, that all the riches in the world cannot fulfil you if you don’t understand the true spirit of wealth.

Growing up in a mining town in Scotland, we were so poor I had holes in the soles of my shoes. I walked three kilometers to school...

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Working Hard & Getting Nowhere - What Else?

How many people do you know who work hard doing jobs they don’t enjoy just for the money? They go from job to job their whole lives with the point of view of ‘That’s just the way it is’.

What if there was something totally different available beyond the judgements and conclusions we have been programmed to function from?

We choose to work hard and function from conclusion instead of enjoying our lives and enjoying our being!

We have not been taught that we are energy and everything is energy and that we create with and as energy.

We’ve not been taught that when we are present and receiving energetically it nurtures our body and soul. So we ‘work’ from the space of doing instead of creating from the joy of our being.

This is why so many people are living unfulfilled lives. When you live from conclusion, you have slowed the energy down so much that you think you can’t create and everything is heavy and not fun.

When you function from...

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Are You Surviving or Thriving?

What Contribution is and Why is it Essential to Success 

Have you looked around at things such as health systems, the judicial systems, education systems, government and marriage… and known there had to be something greater available? Have you ever witnessed injustice or unkindness and desired to create a different possibility in the world? What would it be like if we lived in a world where everyone and everything was included and nothing and no one was left out – especially you?

Much of this reality functions from unconsciousness which is exclusion rather than inclusion. The collective unconsciousness which is the shared morals, principles, values, and points of view of people’s value says that you are included or excluded  based on your social status, your profession, your level of education, your colour, your gender,and on and on it goes. The collective unconsciousness dictates what you are allowed to receive based on its judgment of you and...

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