Magie. Du bist sie. Sei sie.


Live & Online
mit Moira Bramley & Sylvia Puentes



9. Mai 2024 um 19:00 Uhr-21:00 Uhr MEZ (Deine Ortszeit)



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Pentahotel Prague, Sokolovska 112 Karlin, Prague 18600 Czech Republic
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Moira Bramley & Sylvia Puentes
Access Consciousness Certified Facilitators

About Moira Bramley
Moira Bramley is an exceptional individual who helps others recognize that the accepted reality is a false construct. She specializes in guiding those seeking deeper connections to their true selves and the genuine nature of reality, challenging the belief that "That's just the way life is."

About Moira Bramley
Moira Bramley is an exceptional individual who helps others recognize that the accepted reality is a false construct. She specializes in guiding those seeking deeper connections to their true selves and the genuine nature of reality, challenging the belief that "That's just the way life is."

About Sylvia Puentes
Sylvia Puentes is a leading lady in magic and life changing work with Access Consciousness. International speaker and facilitator empowering people to rediscover their gifts and joy in living.

Alles im Leben kommt zu mir mit Leichtigkeit, Freude & Herrlichkeit

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